Medical studies confirm that many people unknowingly breathe “sick” air in their homes and offices every day…air that contains common microscopic elements such as pollen, dust mites and bacteria. As this polluted air is absorbed into our skin, lungs, and blood cells, it often causes or aggravates allergic reactions, headaches, fatigue, recurring colds, breathing difficulties, dizziness, nausea, and serious respiratory diseases.
Airflow naturally seeks the path of least resistance. Since thin cardboard filters provide a poor perimeter seal, particularly as they get dirty, the resistance across the filter increases. This causes pollution to leak around the filter edges, thereby completely avoiding air filtration.
If it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t filter!
Quality First Air Conditioning offers custom-fit, next generation air filters. They are unlike anything you see in retail stores. Designed specifically for the protection of human health, these custom air filters will transform the quality of the air you breathe. These custom filters have been tested by the manufacturer to be up to 600% more effective in capturing dangerous fine particles and fumes from your air, as compared to ordinary store-bought air filters.
Our custom filters are the perfect combination of quality, price, and availability. They use reusable frames, so you simply insert fresh filter media pads quickly and easily. Pads last up to 2 months on average, and fresh refills are delivered right to your door. No more aggravating trips to the store searching for the correct air filter. And, often times our custom filters are the same price as compared to what you had been spending on cardboard filters!