Key Use Models and Benefits of Ductless Mini-Split A/C Systems.

Key Use Models and Benefits of Ductless Mini-Split A/C Systems.

Key Use Models and Benefits of Ductless Mini-Split A/C Systems.

Many years ago, the invention of central air conditioning was a game-changing innovation that transformed everyone’s daily lives.  Of course, in South Florida, it’s now unimaginable to live without air conditioning to keep comfortable and cool.  With the further advancement of technology over the years, traditional central air conditioning technology has been supplemented by ductless mini-split air conditioning systems.  The mini-split system actually was an idea that evolved from the simple window air conditioner.  Window units are basic, standalone air conditioning systems that provide specific room temperature control and don’t require ductwork.  However, key downsides to the window units are that they are noisy, aesthetically unappealing, and relatively inefficient with their energy consumption.  As a result, the ductless mini-split system was born years ago and has advanced to currently being a mature, mainstream technology.

There are several key residential areas in South Florida where ductless mini-split systems have particularly strong use cases and benefits:


  1. Garage Cooling:

With the COVID pandemic, more people are staying home but still have a desire to work out and maintain their fitness regimen.  Consequently, home gyms being setup in garages have become much more commonplace in South Florida.  Also, with more time at home, people are looking to expand everyday living areas by transforming garages.  Usually, integrating garage areas into existing central air conditioning systems is expensive and cumbersome.  New ductwork and upgrading to a larger central air conditioning systems are the main cost drivers.  Adding a ductless mini-split system is a cost-effective and efficient way to establish a cool and comfortable environment in residential garage areas.

  1. Guesthouse Cooling:

Many residences in South Florida have a guesthouse for extended family members or out-of-town guests.  Plus, some guesthouses have several living areas such as a small kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom, in addition to a main living area.  It’s impractical, costly and difficult to connect guesthouses to the main house’s central air conditioning system.  Ductless mini-split systems are a perfect application for guesthouses.  Visually appealing, quieter than a purring cat and more energy efficient than central air conditioning systems, guests will be thrilled with the comfort and overall experience provided by a ductless mini-split system.

  1. Home Addition Cooling:

For a variety of reasons, many homeowners in South Florida decide to expand their living areas.  This additional square footage that is designed to be “under air” often results in difficulties with respect to providing proper cooling levels.  Existing central air conditioning systems are sized for smaller coverage and cannot support the additional square footage without compromising the cooling levels of other areas.  And, additional ductwork is required to expand the coverage area of existing central air conditioning systems.  Ductless mini-split systems are the answer here.  No new ductwork is required, existing central air conditioning systems can be retained, and ductless mini-split systems come in a variety of sizes to meet the needs of most home additions.


In summary, there are many key benefits to deploying a ductless mini-split system:


  • Zoned, area-specific cooling that requires no additional ductwork
  • Location of where the indoor unit is placed has a good level of flexibility
  • Larger mini-split systems support multiple indoor units from a single outdoor unit
  • Because of the ductless architecture, health issues associated with air ducts (particularly dust and mold) are minimized
  • Systems are extremely quiet, similar to a purring cat
  • Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) levels with some systems reach 21.00, which is among the best ratings available for any type of air conditioning system
  • Total Cost of Ownership is usually less than expanding the footprint of existing central air conditioning systems